Background of TTA
From 1957 E.C to 1964 E.C
Modern education began in the 19th century Essays tell history. This modern teaching Zem They were foreign nationals who taught History tells us that for the first time since the Italian invasion, Mo Teacher training began in 1937| m in Addis Ababa Mililik School trains 27 teacher candidates 23 teachers who entered and attended training for a year These teachers graduated and were assigned to the Bit of Education These and including 1615 two basic facts to create a communication platform as a starting point have trusted the following premises that is - To renew their understanding of their stay in college -By helping them not to limit their knowledge to primary teaching There was a desire to work Accordingly, February 14| 1941 A| m by 32school teachers Mililik “The Union of Teachers of the Emperor of Ethiopia “ Established Again in 1950 AD| by the amended by-laws The association was renamed “Ethiopian Teachers Union “ is . This Ethiopian Teachers Union but even the name of the Whether the union is national or not, it is a structure in all parts of the country He didn't have it except in the city of Addis Ababa while in Organizing activities including various schools in Tigray There were various publications of the Ethiopian Teachers Association are . Meanwhile, the structure of the Tigray Teachers Association How was it ?
Modern education began in the 19th century Essays tell history. This modern teaching Zem They were foreign nationals who taught History tells us that for the first time since the Italian invasion, Mo Teacher training began in 1937| m in Addis Ababa Mililik School trains 27 teacher candidates 23 teachers who entered and attended training for a year These teachers graduated and were assigned to the Bit of Education These and including 1615 two basic facts to create a communication platform as a starting point have trusted the following premises that is - To renew their understanding of their stay in college -By helping them not to limit their knowledge to primary teaching There was a desire to work Accordingly, February 14| 1941 A| m by 32school teachers Mililik “The Union of Teachers of the Emperor of Ethiopia “ Established Again in 1950 AD| by the amended by-laws The association was renamed “Ethiopian Teachers Union “ is . This Ethiopian Teachers Union but even the name of the Whether the union is national or not, it is a structure in all parts of the country He didn't have it except in the city of Addis Ababa while in Organizing activities including various schools in Tigray There were various publications of the Ethiopian Teachers Association are . Meanwhile, the structure of the Tigray Teachers Association How was it ?
When we asked the leadership of the Tigray Teachers Association
Master Abrha Abay says in 1957 AD| m of the world
The 13th Congress of the Confederation of Teachers will be held in Africa
wanted by the house he office of the African Union in
It will be held in Ethiopia as it was in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Decided and accordingly established an association at the national level in our country
in his absence by the King of Kings Ha| Trinity Teachers Association
to be established each of its general states because they issued instructions of Tigray
General of Gezi by Ras Mengesha Siyum to the concerned
They issued an order in 1957 a| Leadership elections were held in
Eight Executives President, Secretary General, Treasurer, Accountant
His name and three members were elected r
Ephraim Shikur, Secretary-General, M| R. Abrha Abay was elected to the
They attended the 13th Congress and it was then recognized and established
. When it was founded, it had the following objectives.
- To alleviate the economic problems of teachers.
- To improve the level of education.
- To improve social life participation.
While we are moving with thoughts, Master Ephraim Shikur
He moved to Asmara that year and I was the president of the association
I was there until 1964 AD| The founder and management say they worked together